Rumors App

The Rumors app uses a p2p protocol that allows users to write and read messages in real time from other users on the Urbit network. Anonymous posts are sorted chronologically in descending order (from most recent to oldest). It is possible to send links, ask questions, peek or whisper secrets into the void, completely anonymously.

In summary, Rumors is an anonymous information sharing platform that is powered by a user’s contacts. The more connections a user has on the platform, the more information will be shared in their feed. The content of the feed is made up of messages posted by the user’s friends and their friends’ friends.

Installing the Rumors app

To install the app, you will need to know the ship from which it is distributed, which is often the Urbit ID of its developer.

In the case of Rumors, type ~paldev/rumors into the app search bar to go directly to this developer’s app.

Another way is to search for the applications developed by ~paldev and click on the rumors option.

paldev apps
paldev rumors

In the window that shows some information about the app, click the “Get App” button.

get app rumors

In the pop-up, click on “Get rumors” to start the installation process.

get rumors

Posting messages

As mentioned earlier, Rumors is basically an exchange of anonymous messages with your friends and friends of your friends on the Urbit network, so it is necessary that you have installed the pals application and you and your friends have mutual status.

When you open the app, you will see a screen like in the image below.

rumors and gossip

In the writing field, type the message you want to send and then press Enter on the keyboard to post it in the feed. That’s it! Now you can anonymously share your thoughts or whatever you want with your pals contacts, and view their messages as well.

messages in rumors

Learn more about the Urbit ecosystem

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